


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.

Address and communication

Postal address:

PMS electronics GmbH
Große Heide 27
32425 Minden


Phone: +49 (571) 64600 0
Fax: +49 (571) 64600 10

Opening hours:

08.00 am - 01.00 pm

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm

Contact person

Susanne Senne-Wrosch

For all questions, please contact our customer support. Please send us your questions by e-mail at office[at] In case your questions can't be explained by e-mail please do not hesitate to give us a call. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.
You may contact our shipping department at versand[at] Please use this e-mail address in case you are missing a package or if you have questions about shipping charges, carriesr, transport damages etc.
If you are unsatisfied with our work or if you want to contact our management please write us at gf[at]
Phone: +49 (571) 646000


Download the directions from the A2 to our company. All files are pdf files.

Please take notice of our privacy policy.

[] Motiv: Versandlabel

Shipping Label

Send in your devices quickly with our shipping label. There´s no easier way!

this way please
[] Motiv: Reparatur

Repair Order Forms

We created new repair order forms for warranty and non warranty repairs. You can fill in the forms directly on your computer and print them afterwards.

to the new forms